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Colgate-Palmolive Surges 3.1% in June Quarter

Shares of Colgate-Palmolive Ltd (India) shares rose 3.1 per cent on the National Stock Exchange on Thursday. When the majority of the stocks seem to fall, Colgate was seen in the rise. However, it spread smiles among the investors of the Colgate.
Domestic volumes had increased by 5 per cent in the March quarter. However, over the year-ago period, Colgate-Palmolive’s domestic sales of toothpaste and other oral care products rose 6 per cent in Q1, on the back of a 4 per cent increase in volume.
Read EquityPandit’s Colgate Palmolive Outlook for the Week
However, it is not as if Colgate-Palmolive’s results were great. Rather, it is the lack of negative surprises that could have probably brought some respite to anxious investors. After the general consumption in the country has slowdown due to which, it has already kept investor expectations for consumer goods companies under a monitor.

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