On Thursday, Clensta raised Rs 20 crore funding from Hem Angels, part of Hem Securities Ltd, Venture Catalysts and Inflection Point Ventures. Existing investors N+1 Capital (RBF) and other investors also invested in this Series A funding round, Clensta’s said in a statement.
The funds raised will be used to scale up the company’s sales, ramp up brand marketing and expand online and offline presence across India, it added.
Commenting on the fundraise, Clensta Founder CEO Puneet Gupta said, “we will be focusing on developing innovative and sustainable products, enhancing our relations with customers, marketing and expansion of our footprints across the country.”
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The company aims to use technology to scale the personal-care segment and provide a personalised shopping experience to its customers, he added.
“Keeping in mind the Indian home care market size of USD 6.2 billion, we have adopted an omnichannel strategy to ensure Clensta’s presence in offline as well as online markets. In this light, this funding comes as an affirmation that we continue to lead in the right path,” Gupta said.