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By EquityPandit

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BSNL has posted operating profit of Rs 672 crore for FY 2015

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has posted an operating profit of Rs 672 crore for the financial year 2015 on Tuesday.

During the last fiscal, the company had reported an operating loss of Rs 691 crore.

Anupam Shrivastava, the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) said that the income from services has increased by 4.16 percent to Rs 27,242 crore in 2014-15, highest in last five years.

He further added that “BSNL had bad results for the last few years, but in year 2014-15, it has been able to reverse the trend. Also, it is a known fact that most of the telecom majors have heavy debt burdens but BSNL is relatively better off with a low debt-equity ratio”.

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