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By EquityPandit


BSE Q2 Net Profit Increased 28% to Rs 46.81 Crore

Asia’s oldest and first universal exchange BSE has reported a 28 per cent increase in its net profit of Rs 46.81 crore for the quarter ended on 30 September, 2020 against a net profit of Rs 36.69 crore in the September quarter previous year.
BSE’s consolidated operating EBITDA during the quarter was up by Rs 30.73 crore to Rs 22.34 crore, as compared to the loss of Rs 8.39 crore in the year-ago quarter. Its revenues from operations rose 15 per cent to Rs 125.38 crore as on 30 September, 2020, compared to Rs 108.89 crore for the quarter ended on 30 September, 2019.
During the half year period ended on 30 September, 2020, the number of transactions processed in StAR Mutual Fund platform increased 60 per cent to Rs 4 crore against the processed transaction of Rs 2.50 crore in the half yearly period ended on 30 September, 2019. The number of SIP registered increased 195 per cent to 6.19 lakh during the half year ended on September 30, as compared to 2.10 lakh in the previous year period.
The average daily turnover in equity segment jumped 44 per cent to Rs 3,703 crore during the April-September period this fiscal as compared to Rs 2,563 crore in the year-ago period.

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