Maharashtra Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray launched an electric vehicle (EV) charging station, set up by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), at a public parking area in Mumbai’s Dadar. The BMC declared that the station could charge 7 EVs at a time.
According to the release, Thackeray had ordered the civic body to set up charging facilities for EVs at various parking lots as “environment-friendly EVs are the requirement of the hour”. He said, “It is necessary to start charging stations in areas with a huge number of EVs. A detailed survey will be conducted and charging stations should be made in more parking lots.”
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Parking and charging facilities are available at the new station, which will be open for people 24/7, the release said. Seven chargers are available at the station, and four of them are fast and can charge an EV in 1 to 1.5 hours. The rest of the three chargers are slow and can charge an EV in 6 hours, the release declared.