On Tuesday, Bajaj Finance Ltd crosses market capitalization of Rs 2 trillion after its shares hit on an all-time high. Shares of the Indian Non-Banking Financial Company rallied nearly 30 per cent so far this year, becoming India’s second non-banking finance company.
The stock traded record high at Rs 3,474.20 on BSE, up 2 per cent from its previous close with the market cap was at Rs 2.01 trillion.
Advancing 20.6 per cent over this period, the scrip has risen for the fifth straight session. After the company reported more than expected March quarter earnings, a provisional certificate has subsequently risen for the fifth straight session.
Housing Development Finance Ltd is India’s biggest non-banking finance company in terms of market capitalisation, at?3.70 trillion. Asset quality remained stable, with gross Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and net NPAs stood at 1.54% and 0.63%, respectively, at the end of March 2019.