Indian consumer electronics manufacturer, Bajaj Electricals Ltd. on Thursday reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 53.11 crore for the quarter ended September 30, on account of higher income. It had posted a net loss of Rs 32.54 crore for the same September quarter a year-ago.
The company in a regulatory filing said that its total income increased 10.83 per cent at Rs 1,226.7 crore for the September quarter against Rs 1,106.80 crore in the previous year quarter.
Bajaj Electricals said that business normalized in the September quarter after being impacted in April-June quarter owing to nationwide lockdown imposed by the government, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the June quarter, the company had temporarily shut down its manufacturing facilities, sales and distribution channel as per the government norms.
Shekhar Bajaj, Chairman and MD, Bajaj Electricals Ltd. said, “The consumer products business has shown signs of very strong recovery in this quarter…Our EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) segment has also recovered strongly in this quarter after being adversely affected due to hold up of project execution and billings.”
The shares of Bajaj Electricals Ltd. were trading 4.60 per cent higher at Rs 509 per share on the BSE.