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By EquityPandit


Avenue Supermarts Shares Climbed 2% on Opening a New Store in Karnataka

As of this date, the Company has 366 stores.

Shares of Avenue Supermarts Limited rose 2% on April 9, when the Company opened a new store at Vaishnavi Sapphire Mall, Bengaluru (Karnataka). As of this date, the Company has 366 stores, according to the company’s recent regulatory filing.

On April 9, Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation fined the company. This was for selling substandard plastic items and failing to disclose mandatory details on the QR codes of certain products at one of its stores. The penalty imposed had a financial impact on the Company but no significant impact on its operations or activities.

Earlier on March 31, the Company launched 3 (three) new stores at the following locations. Namely, Chakan, Pune (Maharashtra), Akshay Nagar, Bengaluru (Karnataka), and Gangapur, Nashik (Maharashtra).

Earlier on March 28, the company company opened 4 (four) new stores. The following locations, namely, Nirmal (Telangana), Banur, Mohali (Punjab), Palm Garden, Ludhiana (Punjab) and Ghatkopar, Mumbai (Maharashtra) 

The Company also released the quarterly update at the end of the fourth quarter of the Financial Year 2023-24 (January 2024 to March 2024).

1) Standalone Revenue from operations for the quarter ended (QE) on March 31, 2024, stood at Rs 12,393.46 crores.

2) Standalone Revenue from operations for QE March 31, 2024, and the corresponding quarter for the past three years is as follows: (Rs. in crore)

The quarter ended March 31, 2024The quarter ended March 31, 2023The quarter ended March 31, 2022The quarter ended March 31, 2021
The quarter ended March 31 financials for four years

The Standalone Revenue from operations for QE March 31, 2024, is subject to audit by the Company’s statutory auditors.

At 12:27 pm, shares of Avenue Supermarts were trading 1.54% higher at Rs 4,789.00 on NSE.

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