Shares of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) hit a 52-week high of Rs 434.45 during the afternoon trading hour on 29 November after the company...
Shares of Tata Power Trading Higher on 29 November after the company announced that its subsidiary was awarded the contract for a 200-megawatt project. In...
Jubilant Foodworks, on 28 November, announced that its subsidiary, Jubilant Foodworks Netherlands BV, is set to acquire the remaining shares of DP Eurasia for 73.35...
Shares of IRB Infrastructure were trading in the red and 3% lower on 28 November after the company’s special purpose vehicle, IRB Lalitpur Tollway, had...
BharatPe, on 28 November, announced that it had turned EBITDA positive in October and has reached an annual revenue of Rs 1,500 crore. EBITDA (earnings...