President Ram Nath Kovind, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited AIIMS on Friday to enquire about the health condition of former Finance Minister Arun Jaitley which is said to be critical. The President visited the hospital around noon, while Shah and Adityanath visited AIIMS around 11.15 pm. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Minister of State for Health Ashwini Choubey were present during their visits.
Jaitley, 66, is admitted at the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU). He is critical and a multidisciplinary team of doctors is supervising his treatment.
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) has not issued any bulletin on Jaitley’s health condition since August 10. Jaitley was admitted on August 9 after he complained of breathlessness and restlessness.
Last year in May, Jaitley was admitted to AIIMS for treatment. In September 2014, he underwent bariatric surgery to correct the weight he had gained because of a long-standing diabetic condition.
Meanwhile, Jaitley, a lawyer by profession and had an important part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Cabinet in the BJP government’s first term. He held the finance and defence portfolios, and often acted as the chief troubleshooter of the government.
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