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By EquityPandit


AQI Continues to be Severe in Delhi-NCR

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The National capital continues to have severe Air Quality, which will remain in the ‘severe’ category for two consecutive days, the SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research). On 4 November 2022, it revealed that stubble-burning contributed 34 per cent to 2.5 pollutions.

Overall, the city’s Air Quality Index (AQI) hit a high of 472. Noida, part of the national capital region, recorded an AQI of 562 and remained in the ‘severe’ category. Also, Gurugram’s AQI stood at 539 and continued to remain in the ‘severe’, according to data released by SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research) India.

The Air Quality Index measured from 400 to 500 or above is considered severe; from 300 to 400 is considered to be very poor; from 200 to 300, it is considered to be poor; from 100 to 200, it is moderate and from 0 to 100 which is considered as good. 

All the regional stations displayed AQI above 400, and most of the stations in the capital have an AQI above 300, except for a few, like Mandir Marg in central Delhi.

“Air quality is likely to remain within ‘Severe’ today and likely to improve tomorrow to ‘lower end of Severe’ and from 5th onwards air quality is likely to improve further to ‘Very poor’ due to upper-level wind reversal that prevents inflow of stubble-related pollutants. Higher surface wind speed on 5 November is likely to disperse pollutants,” media reported.

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