The Andhra Pradesh government presented the budget 2022-23 with an expenditure of Rs 2.56 Lakh Crores and a revenue deficit of Rs 17,036 Crores. FM Buggana Rajendranath presented the ambitious budget even after the government fell short of its expenses estimates in 2021-22 by Rs 55,182 Crores. The total public debt of the state is predicted to rise to Rs 4,39,394.35 Crores in 2022-23.
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For the freebie schemes, the FM reserved Rs 48,802 Crores. The government has also presented a Rs 350 Crores Special Development Package Fund, placing Rs 2 Crores at the disposal of each MLA. “The Fund is for implementing socio-economic development programmes to maximise welfare in line with the local needs and preferences, Buggana said.