KT Rama Rao, Telangana Minister for IT and Industries on Friday said that Amazon Web Services (AWS) will be investing $2.77 billion (around Rs 20,761 crore) for setting up multiple data centres in Telangana.
“Happy to announce the largest FDI in the history of Telangana! After a series of meetings, AWS has finalized investment of Rs 20,761 Cr ($ 2.77 Bn) to set up multiple data centers in Telangana The @AWSCloud Hyd Region is expected to be launched by mid 2022,” Rama Rao tweeted.
AWS is investing to set up an AWS Region with three Availability Zones (AZs) in Telangana, said Rama Rao in a press release. Earlier this year, the minister had met officials of AWS during his visit and has subsequently arrived at the closure on this investment deal in a swift manner, according to the release.
Availability Zones (AZs) consists of multiple data centres in separate distinct locations under a single region, which are engineered in a way to be operational independently from one another with independent power, cooling, physical security and connection, it said.
Amazon.com Inc. focuses on providing e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming and artificial intelligence (AI) services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the cloud computing platform offered by the American multinational technology company.