Amazon has launched Echo Auto device that will connect to car stereo system for audio playback on the go. Echo Auto is available for pre-order for Rs 4,999 and will be available for customers from January 15, according to the company’s statement. Echo Auto is powered by car’s 12V charging socket or USB port. The device which is connected on car stereo system for audio playback using a 3.5 mm auxiliary cable or Bluetooth connection. It connects to Alexa through the Alexa app on the smartphone and uses existing data plan to stream music, make a call or send messages to phone contacts, ask Alexa to hear your morning news, listen to an Audible book on your commute, ask for the nearest coffee shops, petrol, ask for morning news or the nearest coffee shops and more.
Echo Auto uses the default navigation app on the smartphone and its data plan to provide directions. Like all Echo devices, Echo Auto is built with multiple layers of privacy protections, including a mic on/off button that electronically disconnects the microphones. Additionally, customers have control over their voice recordings at Alexa Privacy Settings or in the Alexa app, said the company.
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