Amazon India introduced two-hours delivery of grocery product of daily essentials on Customer can pick 2 hours delivery slot of Rs 49 as per their convenience through Amazon Fresh Store. The program is powered by Prime Now from 6 am to midnight with free delivery for orders above Rs 600. Orders below Rs 600 will be charged a delivery fee of Rs 29.
According to Siddharth Nambiar director of category management, Amazon Fresh will offer users their complete grocery requirements across a selection of over 5000 fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, ice-creams, and dry groceries like staples, packaged food, personal care and home care.
These faster deliveries Amazon’s Prime Now service, which was earlier available only on the separate Prime Now app. Meanwhile, Prime Now the app will continue to serve customers in Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The service that is starting in Bengaluru on 23 August will soon be rolled out to customers in other cities.
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