Today, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd fell for a fifth straight session. Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd stood at Rs 643.55, down 0.72 per cent on National Stock Exchange (NSE). In 2021, the company’s stock compared to 1.9 per cent, and the NIFTY Metal index is up at 67.17 per cent. Around 1.12 per cent, the benchmark NIFTY is down, with 17561.25. The Sensex is at 58864.33, down 1.13 per cent.
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In July, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd lost around 8.06. The stock is currently quoting at 12699.4, down 0.95 per cent. The volume in the stock stood at 93684 shares in July. The stock’s private equity (PE) is 18.91 based on TTM earnings ending June 22.
Earlier a few months, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd stood at Rs 798.6, down 0.51 per cent. The stock tumbled 25.31 per cent in FY22 compared to a 28.14 per cent rally in NIFTY and a 9.86% spurt in the Nifty Pharma index. Also, the private equity stock is 18.4 based on TTM earnings ending September 21.