Apple launched AirPods Pro, a superior version of its AirPods that adds active noise cancellation, sweat and water resistance, and in-ear design. AirPods Pro is already up for pre-order in the US and the company will start shipping the Pro from 30 October. The launch of the AirPods Pro was announced through a press statement from the Apple – not with Apple’s product event earlier in the month.
AirPods Pro price in India is Rs 24,900 ($249 in the US). Apple has yet not disclosed India’s release of the AirPods Pro but the devices will be coming to India ‘soon’, according to the company’s statement. The normal AirPods with charging case are now available for Rs 14,900 and AirPods with Wireless Charging Case are available for Rs 18,900.
AirPods Pro offer four-and-a-half hours of listening time on a single charge with active noise cancellation enabled. It also offers 3.5 hours of talk time with a single charge. 5 minutes in the case provides around 1 hour of listening time or around 1 hour of talk time, according to Apple.
AirPods Pro require Apple devices running on iOS 13.2 or later, iPadOS 13.2 or later, watchOS 6.1 or later, tvOS 13.2 or later, or macOS Catalina 10.15.1 or later.
AirPodsPro comes interchangeable flexible silicone ear tips in three sizes to improve the fit. The new AirPods are water and sweat resistant, which makes them a handy choice for fitness enthusiasts.
The AirPods Pro model has a feature named Adaptive EQ, which automatically tunes songs for better sound and has an updated touch-sensitive stem that allows users to switch between noise-cancellation mode and transparency mode that allows you to hear the environment around you.
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