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By EquityPandit


Air India Pilots’ Unions Reject New Pay Terms, Warn of Potential Industry “Unrest”

ICPA and IPG have advised their members to reject the amended terms proposed by Air India.

The Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA) and the Indian Pilots Guild (IPG) have advised their members to reject the amended terms and conditions proposed by Air India, days after the management announced a reworked compensation system for its flight and cockpit staff.

According to a message on Wednesday, the two unions convened a joint meeting on April 18 to examine the problem. The committees are in the process of finalising the following steps, taking into account the suggestions of the members.

According to union sources, Air India unilaterally modified the requirement without consulting the pilots. As per the circular, many senior pilots who have flown as commanders for four years or more would be elevated to senior commanders, providing them immediate admission into the management cadre who are not allowed to join a union.

Air India has redesigned the remuneration for over 2,700 pilots throughout Air India and AIX Connect (including Air Asia India and Air India Express) and over 5,600 Air India cabin staff under the new structure. Also, the guaranteed flying allowance component has been increased from 20 to 40 hours due to the modification.

In addition, Air India will create two new levels/designations: Junior First Officer and Senior Commander. The cabin crew organisation structure for 1,000 permanent and 4,700 FTC cabin employees has been restructured into four categories: Trainee Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew, Cabin Senior, and Cabin Executive.

In addition, Air India will raise the per-hour flying and flying allowance rates for pilots. The trainee stipends for new and veteran cabin staff would be increased by more than 20%. The airline will also quadruple the domestic layover allowance, the check crew allowance, and the pay for trainee pilots.

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