On Monday, Adani Transmission Ltd had crossed Rs 2 trillion market capitalisation after its shares hit an all-time high with a surge of over 327 per cent so far this year. With this, Adani Transmission became the most valued Adani Group firm, replacing Adani Green Energy Ltd.
At the closing trade, the scrip settled at a fresh record high of Rs 1,870.85 on BSE, up 3.75 per cent from its previous close, with m-cap stood at Rs 2.05 trillion. Year-to-date, it gained over 327.75 per cent.
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This was the second Adani Group firm to cross this milestone after Adani Green Energy Ltd with a market cap of Rs 1.86 trillion, followed by Adani Enterprises Ltd Rs 1.68 trillion, Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone ( Rs 1.51 trillion), and Adani Total Gas ( Rs 1.5 trillion).
The firm has emerged as one of the most attractive integrated power transmission and distribution companies in India in the last few years. ATL aims to address the vast potential in India’s transmission sector, setting up 20,000 circuit km of transmission lines by 2022. The firm intends to sustain network availability corresponding to the highest global standard. In FY21, the firm added 3,931 ckt km to its network, reaching 18,801 ckt km, and sold a record 7,169 million units.
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