Shares of Adani Green Energy (AGEL) gained 6 per cent to Rs 1,995.95 on the BSE in Thursday’s intra-day trade, soaring 9 per cent in the past two trading days, after the company announced that its arm had received a Letter of Award (LOA) to set-up 150 MW solar power project.
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The stock of the Adani Group’s electric utility company had hit a record high of Rs 2,128.90 on February 18, 2022. At 11:56 AM, it was 4 per cent higher on the BSE at Rs 1,960, compared to a 0.25 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
“Adani Renewable Energy Holding Fifteen Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AGEL, participated in a tender issued by Punjab State Power Corporation for procurement of 250 MW solar power from ground-mounted grid-connected solar PV power plants and has received the Letter of Award (LOA) to set-up 150 MW solar power project,” the company said in an exchange filing.