The face of travel search engine Trivago’s advertisements in India, Abhinav Kumar, has joined Paytm as Vice President Product Marketing. Kumar, who was the country development head (India) for the travel portal became an overnight internet sensation of sorts after he came in a slew of advertisements of the company.
Paytm has been on a hiring spree for the last several months confirmed his appointment. “We are excited to have Kumar on-board, who is known for his expertise in product marketing. We are in the next phase of our growth, and his skills and expertise will be instrumental to our efforts of expanding digital payments in our country,” Paytm spokesperson said.
Kumar completed his Master’s in International Management from University of Trento, Italy and has extensive experience in digital marketing. During his time at Trivago and thanks to the advertisements, the company gained massive recall and brand value which helped in the company’s India expansion.
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