Shares of Astra Microwave Products Ltd (AMPL) surged 6% on Friday, 13 December, after the company’s joint venture (JV), Astra Rafael Comsys Private Limited, worth Rs 255.88 crore from the Ministry of Defence.
In its regulatory filing, the company said that the order is for procuring 93 numbers of additional sets of Software Defined Radios (SDR) LRUs with A kits, SBC 2 card and Network Centric Operations application for the Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft from the Indian Air Force.
The company said that the order is expected to be completed within 24 months.
The filing added, “We wish to inform you that we will be receiving a good portion of business from this order from Astra Rafael Comsys Private Limited, Joint Venture company.”
The company is a key player in designing and manufacturing radio frequency systems and microwave components for defence, space, and telecom.
AMPL’s profit after tax dropped 15% year-on-year due to higher interest costs, while the revenue of the company increased by 21% YoY during Q2Fy25.
At 3:30 pm, the shares of Astra Microwave Products closed 2.13% higher at Rs 833 on NSE.
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