Kerala-based semiconductor startup Netrasemi has secured Rs 10 crore in a pre-Series A funding round led by Unicorn India Ventures to develop edge AI solutions for IoT products. The company plans to utilize the funds to fabricate two machine learning system-on-chips, Netra A2000 and Netra R1000.
Founded in 2020 by Jyothis Indirabhai, Sreejith Varma, and Deepa Geetha, Netrasemi focuses on semiconductor technology, designing system-on-chips (SoCs) that enable advanced computing for smart IoT devices. These chips allow products to perform AI-driven analytics locally on motherboards, eliminating the need for data transmission to servers or the cloud.
Over the past year, Netrasemi has seen positive traction from major OEMs across various industries, including medical, telecom, and industrial sectors, across different countries. The company has reported strong revenue growth and profits of approximately $0.75 million through chip design and porting services for its partners.
Netrasemi has developed three SoC families: Netra-R1000, Netra-A2000, and Netra-A4000, which feature machine-learning capabilities powered by its proprietary DSA technology and graph-stream hardware acceleration architecture.
Co-founder Jyothis Indirabhai highlighted that the Netra family of chips will be India’s first AI/ML-enabled SoCs for intelligent edge devices, with all digital IPs developed in-house.
The primary application areas for Netra SoCs include surveillance, smart sensors, smart infrastructure, machine vision, Industry 4.0, robotics, drones, and autonomous vehicles.
Anil Joshi, managing partner of Unicorn India Ventures, said, “There are attractive opportunities in the edge AI software market and there is absolutely no denying that the AI industry has the potential to transform various sectors. The funding accelerates Netrasemi’s mission to deploy the solutions on a better scale.”
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