In August 2022, Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone rose 1.52 per cent to Rs 850.50 after the company’s handled cargo volume increased by 18 per cent YoY to 29.3 MMT. The total cargo volume, dry bulk cargo volume, grew by 44 per cent YoY, while container volume rose by 8 per cent YoY.
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Adani ports have achieved a cargo throughput of 50 MMT (YTD cargo volume increasing from 100 MMT to 150 MMT). The consolidated net profit has dropped 16.86 per cent to Rs 1,091.56 crore in the first quarter of FY23 as against Rs 1,312.99 crore recorded in FY22. Revenue from operations declined 0.71 per cent to Rs 4,637.95 crore in the first quarter of FY23 from Rs 4,671.19 crore reported in the first quarter of FY22.