On Tuesday, PTI reported that India will soon enact a population control law, Union Minister Prahlad Singh Patel said. The food processing minister made the statement while addressing reporters at an event in Raipur.
BJP leaders have been pushing for a population control law for years. Their actions are based on the Hindutva claim that Muslims having more children is a deliberate plan to gain a majority in the country and seize political power.
However, government figures show that Muslim fertility rates have gradually declined over the years and are not alarmingly higher than in other communities in India.
Patel himself introduced a private members bill on population control in 2016. The bill recommends denying benefits to people with a third child. He also proposed that the birth of a third child would require government permission.
The party’s Rajya Sabha MP, Rakesh Sinha, introduced the Population Control Bill 2019 in July 2019, proposing several benefits such as housing allowance, income tax rebate, travel allowance, health insurance benefits, etc. Families in which either partner has been sterilised.
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According to the New India Express, the law on the two-child policy has been introduced to parliament more than 35 times since independence, but it has never been passed.