In a rare instance, Delhi’s air quality was better than that of Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Pune on Friday. Delhi’s air quality index (AQI) was at 62, which falls in the ‘satisfactory’ category, according to the government’s air quality monitoring service, System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR). The air quality index (AQI) was at satisfactory levels, 50-100, for Noida and Gurugram as well. Late on Thursday, the AQI stood at 92.
Weather conditions– thundershowers and scattered rains in the northern parts and increased windspeed–have helped reduce pollution levels. The latest forecast, however, suggests that a slight drop in wind speed is expected later today, which could see air quality worsening with the index touching 100-200 – moderate category.
“Further deterioration to the poor category is forecasted for Saturday, as wind speed decrease,” according to SAFAR. Dense fog has begun to set in parts of north-western India, including Punjab and West Haryana, which may prevent dispersal of pollutants.
Meanwhile, the impact of stubble burning was low, with easterly winds helping. As per SAFAR multi-satellite product estimate, only 77 fire counts were detected on Thursday. “No significant stubble impact is expecting in Delhi over the next two days,” it said. Localized dust lifting has also been low.
Read EquityPandit’s Nifty Outlook for the Week