After the pharma company’s net profit increased by 19.41 per cent to Rs 49.64 crore, then Indoco Remedies rose 1.86 per cent to Rs 361.45 on an 8.58 per cent increase in revenue from operations to Rs 404.60 crore in Q2 of FY23 over the second quarter of FY22.
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In comparison with the second quarter of FY23 to the second quarter of FY22, Profit before tax rose 3.69 per cent to Rs 67.20 crore. EBIDTA stood at Rs 87.76 crore in the second quarter of FY23, rising 1.67 per cent from Rs 86.32 crore posted in the second quarter of FY22. EBIDTA margin declined to 21.7 per cent in the second quarter of FY23 as compared with 23.2 per cent second quarter of FY22.
Total expenses spiked 13.33 per cent YoY to Rs 365.83 crore in the second quarter of FY23. The cost of raw materials consumed was at Rs 106.05 crore, up 23.04 per cent, and employee benefits expenses stood at Rs 80.03 crore, up 7.41 per cent, in the second quarter of FY23.
This company is a research-oriented pharma company and fully integrated with a presence in over fifty-five countries.