On Thursday, the Market regulator SEBI has charged A. Vellayan the chairman of Murugappa group and three other persons of insider trading. In an order,...
Bs Ltd, the Hyderabad based integrated power transmission and distribution services provider has announced its plan for the acquisition of synergetic and operative assets from...
Ola is looking to expand its facility to 25 Indian cities by the end of the fiscal. Anand Subramanian, Ola Director Marketing Communications said, “Autos are...
On Thursday, Mahindra & Mahindra signed a definitive agreement to acquire 33% stake in Mitsubishi Agricultural Machinery Co. for 25 million dollars (Rs 159.24 crore),...
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has registered a 25 percent increase in active investors with the Western region, records the highest growth of 32 percent...
Worldpay, the UK-based payment processing giant has partnered with IndusInd Bank for the purpose of acquiring services in India. In a BSE filing the bank...