Bajaj Energy along with Lalitpur Power Generation Company, Tuesday filed for a initial public offering with the market regulator Sebi with a plan to raise ?5,450 crore through offer.
The company did not say when they plan to open the IPO. Normally it takes months to get the Sebi clearance for an initial public offer.
The offer comprises fresh issue of share up to ?5,150 crore by the company and an offer-for-sale of equity shares by Bajaj Power Ventures aggregating up to ?300 crore.
Bajaj Power owns 100 percent in Bajaj Energy, which is into developing, financing and operating thermal power plants with a gross installed capacity of 2,430 mw.
This 2,430-mw capacity comprises 450 mw from five operational plants of 90 mw each, owned and managed by Bajaj Energy and 1,980 mw from the power plant owned and managed by a special purpose vehicle of Lalitpur Power.
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